Science Night Showcases LVES’s Best

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Attendees gathered for the 2023 Science Fair in Goulding Hall. Photo by Peter Day
Lucerne Valley Elementary School held its annual Science Night on April 5th, 2023, an event that showcased the best science projects produced out of the school’s Bud Biggs STEM Lab.
The top three projects from each class in grades 1, 3rd, 4th, and 5th had their science boards displayed in Goulding Hall. The 2nd grade team had their group projects set up in a classroom. The 6th-grade team highlighted what the kids learned in their science curriculum through various projects. After attendees saw the top projects in Goulding Hall they filtered to several classrooms that contained additional project science boards and additional science-related displays.
Specialty Mineral, National Parks Service, Mitsubishi Cement Corp, and a representative from Lockheed Martin were in attendance, several of whom set up displays that showcased their organization’s products and mission.
Started with a generous donation by the local Mitsubishi Cement Corporation Educational Foundation in honor of their longtime plant manager, the late Bud Biggs, the STEM lab’s grand opening in 2018 was celebrated by a number of VIP guests from the county, state and beyond.  Ms. Felecia Figueroa, a former U.S. Air Force veteran, was hired in 2022 to utilize her education and military rigor and take the lab to a new level.
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