A Haunted Ghost Town hosted by the L.V. Lions Club will be held on October 28th. Join the LV Lions Club to tour their haunted ghost town located on the back side of the shooting range. This event is FREE to walk through the haunted town. There will be hot chocolate, smores, games for young children and food.
Here is the event timeline:
6-7pm will be a less scary tour through town for the younger kids
7-10pm is suggested for the teenagers and adults
6-7pm will be a less scary tour through town for the younger kids
7-10pm is suggested for the teenagers and adults
This event is a collaboration of many groups in town including the LV Lions Club, LV Moose Lodge, LV Chamber of Commerce, LVMHS, Specialty Minerals, RR Bar Cowboys, LV Museum and more.
If you would like to volunteer for the event, please let us know. We are also looking for candy and event sponsors. We are still looking for a few more businesses or groups to participate with us, if you are interested or have any questions, please contact Sheila at 760-881-8586.
For more information about the local Lions Club, please visit their website. Home (lvlionsclub.com)
Information provided by the Lucerne Valley Chamber of Commerce.