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Kay Hall, Denise Quesenberry Named Employees of Month

Elementary school teacher Kay Hall and food services team member Denise Quesenberry were named the February 2018 certificated and classified Employees of the Month respectively at the February 8th school board meeting.
With the Lucerne Valley Unified School District for 19 years, Kay currently teaches 4th grade.

“Kay is an absolute positive force on our staff,” Superintendent Peter Livingston said during the presentation. “She is actively involved with all of her students building positive relationships with each one of them. Further, she always extends a warm and friendly arm to home as well.”
The superintendent said that Kay is always eager to embrace new ideas and new instructional strategies that have proven to be successful over time. She also serves as one of the Lucerne Valley Elementary School’s Leadership Coordinators and assists with the drama club.
“Kay is a vital member of our staff. Her work ethic is above reproach and she is always at school with a happy and friendly smile. Our school is a better place because Kay is part of it.”
Denise Quesenberry was selected for a variety of reasons, Supt. Livingston said.
“Denise is a valuable part of the Food Service Team. Denise is very dependable and trustworthy. Her dedication to the school and our district contributes to our success. She can be counted on to run the elementary school cafeteria and is positive towards staff and students. She has proven to be a great leader for the staff to follow. Denise is definitely an asset to LVUSD.”